JHU (Baltimore)

The Clinical Research Site at Johns Hopkins, directed by Yukari Manabe, MD, occupies space on  the East Baltimore Medical Campus. The JHU CRS takes advantage of the many units available within Johns Hopkins Hospital, including Inpatient/Overnight Services for adult research participants, the Outpatient Research Unit, Inpatient/Outpatient Service for pediatric research participants, research nutrition services, and the Drug Development and Analysis Unit.

The HIV Care Program serves as the most important resource for patient referrals to ACTG clinical trials, and is also an important referral source for HPTN trials. The Service is directed by Dr. Manabe, and was founded in 1983. The principal components are summarized below:

Laboratory Facilities
All sample processing for virology assays for the CRS will be performed in the HIV Specialty Lab and includes a tissue culture room, specimen prep room, a PCR amplification room, a room for HIV antibody testing and a PCR detection room. The HIV/STD Research Laboratory is recognized internationally for expertise as a reference laboratory for all STDs, especially gonorrhea and chlamydia testing. Both the gonococcal and chlamydial sections of this laboratory are licensed by the State of Maryland and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA; ID # 21D0680509; State of Maryland laboratory permit #008 and 940247, respectively) for STD diagnostic evaluations, and are recognized as leading diagnostic labs in the United States.

Clinical Trials

A5279, Phase III Clinical Trial of Ultra-Short-Course...

This study will enroll HIV-infected people who do not have evidence of active TB but who are at high risk of developing active...

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IMPAACT 2034 - Phase I Study of the Pharmacokinetics,...

This is a Phase I, multi-site, open-label, non-comparative study of the PK, safety, tolerability, and acceptability of a...

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A5350: Effects of Visbiome Extra Strength on Gut Microbiome...

Many factors contribute to the development of aging-related conditions, including gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, such as...

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A5384: A Phase II, Randomized, Open-Label Trial of a...

Study Description A5384 is a trial for people who have or might have tuberculous meningitis (TBM). TBM is an infectious disease...

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ACTIV-2/A5401: Adaptive Platform Treatment for Outpatients...

Rationale: There is an urgent need for a platform to rapidly evaluate therapies in the outpatient setting, to prevent disease...

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