The effect of TB treatment on health-related quality of life for people with advanced HIV

Citation: Opollo V, Sun X, Lando R, Miyahara S, Torres TS, Hosseinipour MC, Bisson GP, Kumwenda J, Gupta A, Nyirenda M, Katende K, Suryavanshi N, Beulah F, Shah NS. The effect of TB treatment on health-related quality of life for people with advanced HIV. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2020 Sep 1;24(9):910-915. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.19.0716. PMID: 33156757.

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BACKGROUND: Study A5274 was an open-label trial of people with HIV (PLHIV) with CD4 cell count <50 cells/µL who were randomized to empirical TB treatment vs. isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) in addition to antiretroviral therapy (ART). We evaluated health-related quality of life (HRQoL) by study arm, changes over time, and association with sociodemographic and clinical factors.METHODS: Participants aged >13 years were enrolled from outpatient clinics in 10 countries. HRQoL was assessed at Weeks 0, 8, 24 and 96 with questions about daily activity, hospital or emergency room visits, and general health status. We used logistic regression to examine HRQoL by arm and association with sociodemographic and clinical factors.RESULTS: Among 850 participants (424 empiric arm, 426 IPT arm), HRQoL improved over time with no difference between arms. At baseline and Week 24, participants with WHO Stage 3 or 4 events, or those who had Grade 3 or 4 signs/symptoms, were significantly more likely to report poor HRQoL using the composite of four HRQoL measures.CONCLUSION: HRQoL improved substantially in both arms during the study period. These findings show that ART, TB screening, and IPT can not only reduce mortality, but also improve HRQoL in PLHIV with advanced disease.



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