NWCS 445: Novel Biomarkers to Shorten TB Treatment NWCS 445: Novel Biomarkers to Shorten TB Treatment: A Substudy of S31/A5349

Study Location:



Tuberculosis and HIV





Trial Period:




  • To develop a highly predictive algorithm that identifies TB patients who will be cured by treatment with shortened-duration regimens in a model that includes measured host clinical characteristics, pharmacokinetic data, and key bacterial measures. 


  • To test and refine measures of initial bacterial load as predictors of successful four- and six-month TB treatments
  • To test and refine measures of change in bacterial load during treatment as predictors of successful four- and six-month TB treatments
  • To investigate the contribution of M. tuberculosis sub-breakpoint minimum inhibitory concentrations as predictors of successful four- and six-month TB treatments
  • To identify simplified bacterial markers with the potential to be developed into a predictive test to identify TB patients who will be cured by treatment with shortened-duration regimens 

Partncipants enrolled in “Rifapentine-containing treatment shortening regimens for pulmonary tuberculosis: a randomized, open-label, controlled phase 3 clinical trial” (CDC TB Trials Consortium Study 31/AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study A5349 [S31/A5349]; NCT02410772)



Clinical Trials

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