Amita Nagaraj




Administrative and Finance


Sr. Finance Administrator, BJMC CRS


Ms. Nagaraj (Seymour) has a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce majoring in Accounting has fourteen years of experience in budgeting and monitoring all financial and administrative aspects of the BJMC Subcontracts. She is currently the Sr.Financial Administrator for the BJMC CRS India. She is responsible for preparing all budgets and justifications for BJMC CRS; ensure that it is in compliant with the sponsor’s procurement requirements; oversees HR to see that for staff contracts, payroll, taxes are done on time; ensure that all expenses are correctly and timely recorded; overseas the prepare and reconcile of BJMC CRS project accounts and monthly invoice sent to the John Hopkins University. See that BJMC CRS audits are done in a timely manner.For John Hopkins University (JHU) Pune office prepares budgets and its justification for network and other studies undertaken by the JHU, Pune office; in charge of staff contracts and payroll, procurement and payments; taking care that time audit are done. She provide assistance and documentation to Ms.Smit in the preparation of budget projections and trends; ensure the financial activities and procedures are in compliance with sponsor’s regulations; assist in the process of preparing the annual financial reports and annual progress reports due to the sponsor.


Leadership Committees

Clinical Trials

A5300/P2003: PHOENIx Feasibility Study

Study of MDR TB Cases and Their Household Contacts: Operational Feasibility to Inform PHOENIx Trial Design

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A5128: Consent for Use of Stored Patient Specimens for...

The purpose of this study is to obtain informed consent to use stored human biological materials (HBM) (e.g., blood and other...

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A5350: Effects of Visbiome Extra Strength on Gut Microbiome...

Many factors contribute to the development of aging-related conditions, including gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, such as...

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HPTN083: A Phase 2b/3 Double Blind Safety and Efficacy Study...

HPTN 083 is a study being done to evaluate the efficacy of the long-acting injectable agent, cabotegravir (CAB LA), for...

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A5274: REMEMBER, Reducing Early Mortality and Early...

This study is being done in people who are starting HIV treatment and who live in areas where the TB infection rate is high. The...

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