People - Laboratory


Leadership Committees

Clinical Trials

P1077FF: Formula Feeding Version of the PROMISE Study...

1077FF is a randomized strategy trial, which is part of the PROMISE studies (1077BF, 1077FF, P1084s, and 1077HS). The Promoting...

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A5324: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled...

ACTG A5324 is a phase IV randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy of adding Maraviroc (MVC)...

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P2026: Pharmacokinetic Properties of Antiretroviral and...

IMPAACT P1026s, the predecessor of this study, was first approved in 2003. P1026s enrolled over 1000 pregnant/postpartum women,...

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NWCS 408: Examining Longitudinal Cytokine Profiles in HIV-TB...

Using existing data from A5274 and data obtained from retrospectively testing available biospecimens, we propose the following...

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A5279, Phase III Clinical Trial of Ultra-Short-Course...

This study will enroll HIV-infected people who do not have evidence of active TB but who are at high risk of developing active...

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