Jason Farley, PhD, MPH, ANP-BC, FAAN, AACRN






CTU Leader for HPTN Studies



Dr. Jason Farley is both a Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing faculty member and a nurse practitioner in the Division of Infectious Diseases within the Johns Hopkins AIDS Service. He also holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Cape Town, South Africa. His current research assesses the epidemiologic interactions of patients with HIV and drug resistance infections in both domestic and international settings. His projects include an evaluation of treatment outcomes in patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR- TB) with a high HIV/AIDS prevalence in South Africa in collaboration with the Medical Research Council of South Africa. His team of researchers recently completed a country-wide assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to infection control in hospitals in South Africa.

The project successfully enrolled all 24 of the South African hospitals treating MDR-TB, and nearly 500 healthcare workers at these sites. In the U.S, he works to assess multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureas (MRSA) colonization and infection among patients with HIV/AIDS in Maryland. He also is serving as the principal investigator on a grant exploring adherence to CVD guidelines in providers of HIV care within the Johns Hopkins AIDS Service and is a member of the editorial board of the American Journal of Infection Control.

  • HPTN Site Leader; Investigator of Record HPTN 069
  • Protocol team co-investigator HPTN 078
  • Investigator of Record HPTN 078
  • Farley J.E., Kelly A.M., Reiser K, Brown M, Kub J, Davis J.G., Van der Walt M. (2014). Development and evaluation of a nurse case management model to address HIV and MDR- TB in South Africa. PLoS One. (In press).
  • Tudor C, Van der Walt M, Margot B, Dorman B, Pan W, Yenokyan G, Farley J.E. (2014). Tuberculosis among healthcare workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Public Health 14:891. PMID 25174848.
  • Farley J.E., Landers TF, Godfrey C, Lipke V, Sugarman J. (2014). Optimizing the protection of research participants and personnel in HIV-related research where TB is prevalent: practical solutions for improving infection control. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (JAIDS). 65 Suppl 1: S19-23. PMID: 24321979.
  • *Farley, J.E., Murphy, J. Hayatt, M., Mark, H. (2013). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of OB/GYN Nurses and Auxiliary Staff in the Care of Pregnant Women Living with HIV. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (JANAC). 2(2):158-67. PMID: 23876818.
  • *Tudor, C., Van der Walt, M. Farley, J.E. (2013). Healthcare workers’ fears associated with working in M/XDR-TB wards in South Africa. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 17 (10 Suppl 1):22-9. PMID: 24020597.
  • Moscou-Jackson, G., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Farley, J.E., DiGiacomo, M. (2013). Smoking Cessation Interventions in Persons Living with HIV or AIDS: A Systematic Review. Journal of  the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (JANAC). 25(1):32-45. PMID: 23876816.
  • Anderson, J., Farley, J.E, Campbell, J. (2013). Interventions to Address HIV and Intimate Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care  (JANAC). 24 (4):383-390. PMID: 23790280.
  • *Tudor, C., Van der Walt, M., Hill, M., Farley, J.E. (2013). Occupational Health Policies and Practices Related to TB in Health Care Workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Public Health  Action. 3(2): online journal available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.5588/pha.12.0098.
  • *Van der Walt M, Lancaster J, Odendaal R, Davis J, Shean K, Farley JE. (2013). Serious Treatment Related Adverse Drug Reactions amongst Anti-Retroviral Naïve MDR-TB Patients. PLoS One, 8 (4) e58817. PMID: 2357319.
  • *Zimmerman CE, Stamper PD, Bryant L, Farley JE, Golova J, Holmberg R, Howard T, Linger Y, Myers L, Perov A, Ruby GB, Carroll KC, Chandler PD. (2012). Development of a Simple, Low Density Array to Detect Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and mecA dropout. Journal of Microbiological Methods, E-pub: doi: 10.1016/j.mimet.2012.09.010. PMID: 23041495.
  • *Farley JE., Ross T, Krall J, Hayat M, Caston-Gaa A, Perl T, Carroll KC. (2012). Prevalence, Risk Factors and Molecular Epidemiology of MRSA Nasal and Axillary Colonization among Psychiatric Patients on Admission to an Academic Medical Center. American Journal of  Infection Control, E-pub: doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2012.03.028. PMID: 22999771.
  • *Mphalele M, Tudor C, Van der Walt M, Farley JE. (2012). An Infection Control Audit of 10 Primary Healthcare Facilities in Western Cape, South Africa. International Journal of  Infection Control, 8(3): 1-5. PMID: None. Open access: http://www.ijic.info/.
  • *Wilson L, Harper DC, Tami I, Zarate R, Salas S, Farley JE, Warren N, Mendes I, Ventura C. (2012). Global Health Competencies for Nurses in the Americas. Journal of Professional  Nursing, 28(4): 213-222. PMID: 22818191.
  • *Farley JE, Tudor CT, Mphahlele M, Franz K, Perrin N.A, Dorman S, Van der Walt M. (2012). A National Infection Control Evaluation of M(X)DR-TB Hospitals in South Africa.  International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 16(1): 82-89. PMID: 22236851.


Leadership Committees

Clinical Trials

ACTIV-2/A5401: Adaptive Platform Treatment for Outpatients...

Rationale: There is an urgent need for a platform to rapidly evaluate therapies in the outpatient setting, to prevent disease...

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P2026: Pharmacokinetic Properties of Antiretroviral and...

IMPAACT P1026s, the predecessor of this study, was first approved in 2003. P1026s enrolled over 1000 pregnant/postpartum women,...

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IMPAACT 2034 - Phase I Study of the Pharmacokinetics,...

This is a Phase I, multi-site, open-label, non-comparative study of the PK, safety, tolerability, and acceptability of a...

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A5128: Consent for Use of Stored Patient Specimens for...

The purpose of this study is to obtain informed consent to use stored human biological materials (HBM) (e.g., blood and other...

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A5302:  BioBank for Surrogate Marker Research for TB...

Primary Objective To obtain sputum, serum, urine, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) for central TB biorepository...

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