Maternal syphilis: an independent risk factor for mother to infant human immunodeficiency virus transmission

Citation: Kinikar A, Gupte N, Bhat J, Bharadwaj R, Kulkarni V, Bhosale R, McIntire KN, Mave V, Suryavanshi N, Patil S, Bollinger R, Gupta A. Maternal syphilis: an independent risk factor for mother to infant human immunodeficiency virus transmission. Sex Transm Dis. 2017 Jun;44(6):371-375. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000000622. PMID: 28499289 PMCID: PMC5434955 

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Syphilis is associated with increased human immunodeficiency virus acquisition and sexual transmission; we examined impact on human immunodeficiency virus mother-to-child transmission among mother-infant pairs enrolled in the India Six-Week Extended-Dose Nevirapine study. Maternal syphilis, diagnosed serologically using Venereal Disease Research Laboratory titer plus Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay, was associated with 2.5-fold greater risk.



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