TB prevention strategies and unanswered questions for pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV: the need for improved evidence

Citation: Mathad JS, LaCourse SM, Gupta A. TB prevention strategies and unanswered questions for pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV: the need for improved evidence. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020 Mar;23(3):e25481. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25481. PMID: 32202066.

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To end the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends improving access to testing and treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) [1]. Despite recent epidemiologic studies demonstrating an approximately twofold increased risk of active TB in peripartum women [2], and poor outcomes associated with TB during pregnancy for mothers and their infants [3, 4], lack of data has prevented comprehensive inclusion of pregnant and postpartum women in guidelines and remains a critical gap in our efforts to address TB globally.



Clinical Trials

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