Active Trials



Clinical Trials

A5361s: Pitavastatin to REduce Physical Function Impairment...

A5361s is a prospective study to determine the effects of pitavastatin on physical function. The study will enroll participants...

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P1073: Study of Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome...

P1073 is a case controlled prospective, clinical, observational and pathogenesis study of HIV-infected infants and children...

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HPTN 078: Enhancing Recruitment, Linkage to Care and...

The purpose of this study is to develop and assess the efficacy of an integrated strategy that includes feasible and scalable...

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A5279, Phase III Clinical Trial of Ultra-Short-Course...

This study will enroll HIV-infected people who do not have evidence of active TB but who are at high risk of developing active...

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A5350: Effects of Visbiome Extra Strength on Gut Microbiome...

Many factors contribute to the development of aging-related conditions, including gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, such as...

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