A5288: MULTIOCTAVE, Management Using the Latest Technologies in Resource-limited Settings to Optimize Combination Therapy After Viral Failure

Study Location:




Clinicaltrials.gov Link:





Nishi Suryavanshi



Trial Period:


The study is being done to:

test a strategy of using a resistance test to choose anti-HIV drugs. Resistance tests look at the HIV in your blood to see which drugs might work best to lower your HIV infection.
see how well combinations of new anti-HIV drugs work to lower HIV infection
see if taking new anti-HIV drugs together is safe and tolerable
see if text messages improve people's anti-HIV drug-taking behavior (only at sites doing the adherence study)
in people taking certain combinations of anti-HIV drugs with an anti-TB drug, compare how these drugs act in the body
in Step 3, to see how people do after they stop having frequent clinic visits as part of a research study

HIV-1-infected males and females at non-US sites, aged ≥18 years, who have experience with or resistance to NRTIs, NNRTIs, and PIs, and are currently failing a PI-containing regimen.



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