Sandesh Patil, MBBS, DGO






Clinical Coordinator


Dr. Sandesh Patil is a Clinical Coordinator with John Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education (CCGHE) and the BJGMC-CRS, based in Pune, India. He has more than 12 years of experience in clinical research and has worked in different capacities including as Research Officer and Study Clinician in NIH-funded ACTG and IMPAACT network clinical trials.

He was actively involved in the SWEN India trial which helped WHO to reform PMTCT guidelines among breastfed infants. He has a post graduate degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology and has pursued Clinical Research as a career and interest. He has more than 10 publications and presentations on women’s health related topics. He has served as a member of Women’s Health Internetwork Scientific Committee for the 4 years. In addition, he has >10 years of experience in collaborating with different NGOs, different departments, Community health facilities, Institutes and Medical colleges where women’s health issues are discussed to prioritize the clinical research agenda.

  • Vice chair, IMPAACT P2001
  • Impact of maternal human immunodeficiency virus infection on pregnancy and birth outcomes in Pune, India.
    Patil S, Bhosale R, Sambarey P, Gupte N, Suryavanshi N, Sastry J, Bollinger RC, Gupta A, Shankar A.
    AIDS Care. 2011 Dec;23(12):1562-9. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2011.579948. Epub 2011 Jun 28.
  • Symptom screening among HIV-infected pregnant women is acceptable and has high negative predictive value for active tuberculosis.
    Gupta A, Chandrasekhar A, Gupte N, Patil S, Bhosale R, Sambarey P, Ghorpade S, Nayak U, Garda L, Sastry J, Bharadwaj R, Bollinger RC; ByramjeeJeejeebhoy Medical College–Johns Hopkins University Study Group.
    Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Nov;53(10):1015-8. doi: 10.1093/cid/cir605. Epub 2011 Sep 21.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is common among HIV-infected breastfeeding mothers in Pune, India, but is not associated with mother-to-child HIV transmission.
    Mave V, Shere D, Gupte N, Suryavanshi N, Kulkarni V, Patil S, Khandekar M, Kinikar A, Bharadwaj R, Bhosale R, Sambarey P, Chandanwale A, Bollinger R, Gupta A; SWEN India and Byramjee-Jeejeebhoy Medical College Clinical Trials Unit Study Team.
    HIV Clin Trials. 2012 Sep-Oct;13(5):278-83. doi: 10.1310/hct1305-278.
  • Maternal tuberculosis: a risk factor for mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus.
    Gupta A, Bhosale R, Kinikar A, Gupte N, Bharadwaj R, Kagal A, Joshi S, Khandekar M, Karmarkar A, Kulkarni V, Sastry J, Mave V, Suryavanshi N, Thakar M, Kulkarni S, Tripathy S, Sambarey P, Patil S, Paranjape R, Bollinger RC, Jamkar A; Six Week Extended-Dose Nevirapine (SWEN) India Study Team.
    J Infect Dis. 2011 Feb 1;203(3):358-63. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiq064.
  • Nevirapine resistance and breast-milk HIV transmission: effects of single and extended-dose nevirapine prophylaxis in subtype C HIV-infected infants.
    Moorthy A, Gupta A, Bhosale R, Tripathy S, Sastry J, Kulkarni S, Thakar M, Bharadwaj R, Kagal A, Bhore AV, Patil S, Kulkarni V, Venkataramani V, Balasubramaniam U, Suryavanshi N, Ziemniak C, Gupte N, Bollinger R, Persaud D.
    PLoS One. 2009;4(1):e4096. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0004096. Epub 2009 Jan 1.
  • Extended-dose nevirapine to 6 weeks of age for infants to prevent HIV transmission via breastfeeding in Ethiopia, India, and Uganda: an analysis of three randomised controlled trials.
    Six Week Extended-Dose Nevirapine (SWEN) Study Team, Bedri A, Gudetta B, Isehak A, Kumbi S, Lulseged S, Mengistu Y, Bhore AV, Bhosale R, Varadhrajan V, Gupte N, Sastry J, Suryavanshi N, Tripathy S, Mmiro F, Mubiru M, Onyango C, Taylor A, Musoke P, Nakabiito C, Abashawl A, Adamu R, Antelman G, Bollinger RC, Bright P, Chaudhary MA, Coberly J, Guay L, Fowler MG, Gupta A, Hassen E, Jackson JB, Moulton LH, Nayak U, Omer SB, Propper L, Ram M, Rexroad V, Ruff AJ, Shankar A, Zwerski S.
    Lancet. 2008 Jul 26;372(9635):300-13. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61114-9.
  • Postpartum tuberculosis incidence and mortality among HIV-infected women and their infants in Pune, India, 2002-2005.
    Gupta A, Nayak U, Ram M, Bhosale R, Patil S, Basavraj A, Kakrani A, Philip S, Desai D, Sastry J, Bollinger RC; ByramjeeJeejeebhoy Medical College-Johns Hopkins University Study Group.
    Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Jul 15;45(2):241-9. Epub 2007 Jun 4.


Leadership Committees

Clinical Trials

A5327: Sofosbuvir + Ribavirin w/o Interferon for Treatment...

A5327 SWIFT-C is a Phase I, open-label, two-cohort clinical trial, in which between 44 and 50 acutely HCV-infected HIV-1...

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A5350: Effects of Visbiome Extra Strength on Gut Microbiome...

Many factors contribute to the development of aging-related conditions, including gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, such as...

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NWCS 445: Novel Biomarkers to Shorten TB Treatment

Objectives: Primary: To develop a highly predictive algorithm that identifies TB patients who will be cured by treatment...

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The Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Acceptability of New...

PK, safety and acceptability data and practical guidance on the optimal dosing of new more child-friendly formulations of...

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A5342: Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability, and Effect of a...

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and effect of an experimental human monoclonal antibody...

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